September 26, 2010


Well, they're everywhere and this weekend, they are all over this crazy house. My cuzin decided to come down and visit us. I fine with it, but my very sweet, dear grandmother is very determined to make sure his visit is the world. He works close to the FBI Academy in Virginia. The last time he visited us was before he was shipped to Iqua, and that was years ago, so it's a big thing that he comes. Especially with his wife and son. Very weird that he decides to now, but we're taking what we get, and everyone wants him to feel like family again. Just a few considerations, don't try to fight a former marine, he's got a lot of moves, and he doesn't care if your a girl. Another thing, don't let any drama get in the way, because one trip might be the last. Thank Gosh, we a 'HAPPY' family lol. I'm so ready to go to Coast Gaurd Camp.

September 25, 2010

September 21, 2010

Teenage Drinking

Yeah, I know. You don't think just because I'm a teenager that I can understand the importance of drinking. Well, sorry to tell you, but I can! I'm not stupid, I've been drunk before, and I've been stupid while I'm drunk. I was listening to my classmates talk about how they got drunk Homecoming Weekend. Well, that just great, let's let the entire world know that you're trashy enough to drink, then go around and slop all over people. What's even trashier is driving drunk. That's what makes me sick. Take this from someone who's been there. I learned the hard way that drinking is NOT everything. It makes you look stupid, and helps you out when you want to become a brainless goofball.
I'm not saying drinking is the devil or anything, but ir shouldn't be your life. You shouldn't have to have it every weekend just because you had a tough week, ESPECIALLY teenagers. I'm so sick of hearing about drinking. I remember when I drank, and guess what, I feel like I made a complete fool of myself. I don't even remember that person anymore.

September 17, 2010

Older People

Well, sooner or later everyone will get older, unless you die. But that's not the point, the point is that when you're older please take help. I don't mean when you 40...I mean when you're around 60 or 70. My great grandpa had a break in last night and it pissed me off, because I loved that man and he's a hard worker. He still won't let anyone help him or stay with him. He's also married, not to my great grandmother(she died.) I just want him safe and he's too dang stubborn to listen to reason. So when you begim to turn 60, please accept the help that is given to you.

September 15, 2010


Yes, when you're in high school, everyone starts to hassel you about what you want to be when you grow up. It should be very easy if you've planned your entire life out(Me!) But maybe it's not so easy for the rest of you guys. Some people are going to go out in this world flipping brugers and aren't going to do anything else in their life. Some will get pregnant, marry, or just find someone with money. Most people plan to go to college...and most will graduate from that college(let's hope!).
I guess it's all up to you! But know one thing...when you're planning your life make sure it's what you want

September 14, 2010


Yes! It's time to discuss the presidents that we've had in this great nation of our country. George Washington is the first one...a GREAT one at that. Then I want to talk about FDR...he was the President for 4 terms and he was my favorite. He took care of us and made sure our Depression was quickly over. Richard Nixon, he was a somewhat weird president. He never trusted anyone in the White House and had phone tabs put in there himself. He was also part of the Watergate Case. Ronald Ragen was a movie star, our first. Bill Clinton was pretty much the only president that got caught on having an affair, whether he did or not. I give him credit...he was very calm about the entire thing. George W. Bush, he had a lot to deal with when he first started office. Including 9/11, then going to war. He kept himself calm and did the right thing.
Now, we have this guy, Obama. I don't give a flying crackhole if you're white, black, Chinese, or Mexico. But so far he's done pretty much a poo poo job. Especially with Obama Care. Our unemployment is at a all time low and I can't understand why anyone want him in office. Oh, wait. Yeah, I do. The people who voted didn't bother to study his values.
I'll leave it at that.

September 13, 2010

Ground Zero

My thought today is one that's been debated for a while. The Mosque they are apparently building in front of Ground Zero. The Muslims are calling it Freedom of Religion...I call it very strange. Yes! America is America the Bueatiful and yes this country is free. I believe in everything the Constitution says. But I don't believe is that someone would be that disrespectful. I know as much as the next person that ALL Muslims are NOT terroist. I'm not stupid! But I also know that there are still terroist among them. Even after the goevernment offered to but them more land, just to move it, they refused. Now I don't jump to conclusions, but that is a little fishy. I'm going to say this once and I'll let the dang subject go.
Putting a Mosque right in front of Ground Zero is like govong America a big hit in the balls. It would hurt.

September 12, 2010

September 11, 2001

9 years ago, America went through a dark change, and from that change we grew. I still think we made the right decision to go to war. No matter what anyone says. And all these theories  of the military bombing the twin towers is the most dumbest thing I've ever heard. People must really think they sound smart when they say it, but sorry to don't. And if you don't believe me why don't you ask those men, women, and children that were on that flight. Oh, wait. You can't, because those people are dead. They died in the hands of terrorist, who didn't give a flyin crackhole. Some of them were heroes, especially the ones on United 93. It makes me sick to think they're death is being questioned. The next time some of you want to jump to conclusions, think about common sense!